

My recent political profiles include Sanna Marin, the millennial feminist environmentalist prime minister of Finland, for Vogue. For The Atlantic, I’ve written on the seemingly unstoppable rise of Matteo Salvini, Italy’s social-media-savvy right-wing populist, and later on a left-wing civic movement that pushed back against him. I’ve explored parallels between Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi and Donald Trump and profiled Manuel Valls, a former prime minister of France when he was pushing national boundaries by running for mayor of Barcelona. At The New York Times, I covered three Greek national elections and the dramatic social toll of the Greek economic crisis. I was among the first foreign journalists to interview Greek leftist politician Alexis Tsipras when he held the fate of Europe in his hands, and for The Atlantic I later wrote about his bad-boy finance minister Yanis Varoufakis.



